发布人: 发布时间:2015/12/22 10:41:41 点击:
报告题目(英文):Evaluation of Structural Variations of Additively Manufactured (3D Printed)Cellular Lattice Structures via X-ray Microtomography
报告内容简介:Additive manufacturing (AM), which is able to build complex parts directly from computer models, has enabled the possibility of building highly customised designs, and highly efficient designs for real life applications. One of the most popular AM techniques is selective laser melting (SLM), a powder bed type AM technique mainly used to build metallic parts. In a typical SLM building process, the component can be built additively in a layer-wise fashion: the metallic powders are applied in very thin sequential layers onto a bed of powder (and solid) and then selectively fused (according to the computer design) by a high energy scanning laser beam. The accuracy of SLM is usually better than tens of microns, depending on the operational conditions and powder particle size. Traditional dimensional measurement techniques cannot access the complex internal structure of these implants, therefore high resolution X-ray microtomography (micro-CT) was considered as the best tool to non-destructively image the interior structure of these samples in 3-D. Novel image processing techniques were then developed to quantify these 3-D structures proving to be a powerful tool for structural characterisation. In this study, high-resolution X-ray microtomography was used to non-destructively image lattice structured aluminium alloy foams produced by selective laser melting. Robust and accurate 3-D image processing algorithms were developed so that useful structural parameters, such as pore size distribution, struts diameter, and surface roughness, can be extracted for quantitative evaluation. The relationship between integrated layer power and structural property of SLM built wireframe samples have been accurately described and can be a very useful tool for process optimisation.
报告人姓名:Sheng YUE, 岳胜
报告人简介(中文):岳胜,博士,北极星成像集团英国分公司成像分析工程师主管,曼彻斯特大学高级访问研究员。剑桥大学硕士,帝国理工博士。英国材料、矿物学会、英国生物材料以及欧洲生物材料学会会员。主要从事生物材料、金属增材制造构件、岩/矿石、材料疲劳失效的显微X射线断层扫描研究。在Acta Biomaterials等国际期刊上共发表SCI论文30余篇,引用300余次。
报告时间:2015-12-25 14:00