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发布人:  发布时间:2016/05/08 10:49:35   点击:


报告题目(英文):Molten Salts and Energy Related Materials

报告人姓名:Professor Fray Derek

报告人简介(中文):福瑞?德瑞克(Fray Derek) 英国剑桥大学材料科学与冶金学系教授,英国皇家学会院士,皇家工程院院士。英国采矿冶金协会委员会成员,美国冶金工程师协会会员。曾任剑桥大学材料科学与冶金学系主任(2001/01-2005 /12)。福瑞教授发表了近400篇的学术论文;拥有179项专利,分属于62门类;他的12项研究成果现已广泛应用于欧洲、澳大利亚以及美国等国家的工业界。1980年,他被授予AIME 萃取冶金技术奖,1981年由于对应用科学的杰出贡献,被英国皇家化学协会授予Sir George Beilby 奖章,1987年被英国金属协会授予Kroll奖章,1991年被美国矿产工业研究组织授予John Philips 奖章。2000年获得Billiton Medal奖章,2015年获得英国Materials, Minerals and Mining学会颁发的荣誉奖章。

报告人简介(英文):Derek Fray is Direct of Research and Emeritus Professor of Materials Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge. He has published about 400 articles on materials processing and is cited as an inventor on over 170 published patents. Twelve projects are now under active industrial development throughout the world. He has been awarded many honours and is a Fellow of the Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Materials.

报告人单位(中文):英国剑桥大学 材料科学与冶金学系

报告人单位(英文):Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy,University of Cambridge

报告时间:2016-05-16 10:00


报告内容简介:Molten salts have been known for centuries and have been used for the extraction of aluminium for over one hundred years and as high temperature fluxes in metal processing. This and other molten salt routes have gradually become more energy efficient and less polluting but there have been few major breakthroughs. This paper will explore some recent innovations that could lead to substantial reductions in the energy consumed in metal production and in carbon dioxide production. Another way that molten salts can contribute to an energy efficient world is by creating better high temperature fuel cells and novel high temperature batteries or acting as the medium that can create novel materials that can find applications in high energy batteries and other energy saving devices, such as capacitors. Carbonate melts can be used to absorb carbon dioxide and which can be converted into C, CO and carbon nanoparticles. Molten salts can also be used to create black silicon that can absorb more sunlight over a wider range of wavelengths. Overall, there are many opportunities to explore for molten salts to play in an efficient, low carbon world.
