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发布人:  发布时间:2016/06/21 10:57:03   点击:


报告题目(英文):On the well-known and less-known metallurgical effects of niobium and molybdenum alloying in steel

报告内容简介:The production of making modern high strength steel requires a well-balanced combination of alloy concept and thermo-mechanical processing in the mill. By implementing grain refinement, precipitation hardening or dislocation hardening in the microstructure strength can be increased to over 1000 MPa at generally low alloy content. Well-known in this respect is niobium being a strong grain refiner and molybdenum providing excellent hardenability. Yet, both elements have many other less-known metallurgical effects that also have important influence on the final steel properties. This lecture discusses these effects in more detail.

报告人姓名:Hardy Mohrbacher

报告人简介(中文):Hardy博士,本科就读于德国萨尔大学(Universität des Saarlandes -Germany),硕士就读于美国休斯敦大学(University of Houston— USA),1995年比利时鲁汶大学(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Belgium) 博士毕业。曾工作于德国德累斯顿 Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing 著名研究所,比利时The Research Centre of theARBED-SIDMAR steel group in Ghent研究中心技术经理, 德国Laser Welded Semi- Products at ThyssenKrupp Tailored Blank GmbH in Duisburg部门经理,Automotive Applications at Niobium Products Company /CBMM(巴西矿业公司)Europe in Düsseldorf (Germany)的商务部门经理,曾任比利时鲁汶大学的副教授,2008-2011年曾聘为上海大学兼职教授。 Hardy博士主要研究领域包括:板材合金设计和加工,板材金属的成型和焊接,轿车车体设计,无损探伤、测试和表征技术,硬质材料的触变行为。在钢铁的铌和钼微合金化方面有着很高的学术造诣,目前是中信金属公司外籍专家、匈牙利科学院通讯会员、Niobelcon bvba公司总裁。2007年以来每年来我校为材料学院师生做一次学术关于微合金钢铁材料方面的讲座,是“上海大学--中信-CBMM(巴西矿业公司)含铌铸造合金联合实验室”外籍咨询专家。


报告时间:2016-06-24 09:00

