Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Alloys Solidification
发布人: 发布时间:2016/11/18 16:21:05 点击:
报告题目:Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Alloys Solidification
报告内容简介:A large amount of coupled models have been therefore developed in the past several decades, all of the studies have revealed that the LB method is indeed very promising as an efficient computational tool for the modeling of transport phenomena coupled with phase transformation during solidification. The LB method is an ideal approach for mesoscale and scale-bridging simulations. It is capable to tackling particularly dendritic growth and microstructure evolution with ubiquitous characteristics. Simulations with the LB methods offer insights into the underlying physics of microstructure formation during alloy solidification.
报告人姓名:Dongke Sun
报告人简介:Dongke Sun is the research scholar of Purdue University and the postdoctoral fellow of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He was the marketing director of CompuTherm LLC which is the world leading software company for computational thermodynamics. Dongke Sun received his PhD degree in Materials Science from Southeast University, China. Dongke Sun has published more than 35 papers in journals such as Acta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, and International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Currently, Dongke Sun research is focused on numerical modeling of microstructure evolution with the aim of extracting reliable, rigorous and useful predictions for interesting scientific problems. The techniques used include cellular automaton, lattice Boltzmann and immersed-boundary methods, and other mesoscopic numerical approaches. He is also interested in modeling of complex fluids with the lattice Boltzmann method, such as double emulsions, dendritic growth of alloys, bubble-dendrite interaction in solidification, and suspensions of deformable particles (circulating tumor cells, red blood cells) in microfluidic devices.
报告人单位:Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
报告时间:2016-11-24 15:00