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发布人:曾艳  发布时间:2017/04/06 09:00:00   点击:

报告题目(英文)Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys: Developments to date
报告内容简介:The capabilities of metal additive manufacturing (AM) are evolving rapidly thanks to both the increasing industry demand and improved scientific understanding of the process. To date, Ti-6Al-4V alloy has essentially been used as a yardstick to gauge the capability of each metal AM process developed to date. This talk discusses the developments to date in additive manufacturing of titanium alloys. These include the macro- and micro-structural characteristics and the tensile and fatigue properties of Ti-6Al-4V additively manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM), laser metal deposition (LMD, both powder and wire) and selective electron beam melting (SEBM), in both the as-built and heat treated conditions, compared to non-AM Ti-6Al-4V. It is shown that AM Ti-6Al-4V in the as-fabricated state (with machined or polished surfaces) can be made to be fully comparable to, or even superior to, the most commonly used mill-annealed Ti-6Al-4V in terms of both its tensile and fatigue properties. However, the mechanical properties can exhibit a large degree of scatter and are often anisotropic. Consequently, post-AM surface treatments or both the post-AM surface and heat treatments are necessary to ensure that the properties meet the minimum requirements. Microstructural innovation can lead to superior mechanical properties of AM Ti-6Al-4V. Future directions to further unlock the potential of AM of Ti-6Al-4V for superior and consistent mechanical properties are recommended.
报告人姓名:Professor Ma Qian(马前 教授)
报告人简介(中文):马前博士现任澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学终身教授、增材制造中心副主任, 兼职澳大利亚昆士兰大学材料工程名誉教授, 日本大阪大学焊接与熔合研究院特聘教授及上海大学材料学院兼职教授。19809月至19917月就读于原北京钢铁学院(现北京科技大学)铸造专业,先后获学士、硕士、博士学位。1991年至1994年,为清华大学博士后,讲师,副教授。199410月后离开清华大学出国访问,求职 (日本、新加坡国、澳大利亚、英国、澳大利亚)
报告人单位(英文)Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)
报告时间:2017-04-06 14:30
