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Application of neutron diffraction to study functional materials

发布人:曾艳  发布时间:2018/12/04 16:00:00   点击:

报告题目(中文)Application of neutron diffraction to study functional materials

报告内容简介:Neutron diffraction has long history of application in condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry, and materials science. Sensitivity to positions of light elements (e.g. H, Li, Na) in the presence of heavy elements allows neutrons to provide information which cannot be obtained with X-rays. Sensitivity to magnetic moments of atoms makes neutron diffraction the main tool for magnetic structure determination. Finally, high penetrating power of centimeter size neutron beams enables non-destructive analysis of bulk samples often under conditions similar to real life environment. I will present the capabilities of neutron diffraction with examples of the studies of functional materials.

报告人姓名:Maxim Avdeev

报告人简介(中文)Max Avdeev is responsible for the high-resolution neutron powder diffractometer at the OPAL research reactor operated by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). He received PhD in 1999 for the work in synthesis and crystal structural studies of Na-superionic conductors. After postdoctoral position at the Argonne National Laboratory (USA), in 2005 he joined ANSTO as a full-time researcher. He also holds Adjunct Professor position at the University of Sydney. His main research interests are studies of crystal and magnetic structure of inorganic materials using X-ray and neutron diffraction and atomistic modelling. The results were published in over 350 papers in condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry, and materials science journals.

报告人单位(中文)Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

报告时间:2018-12-10 14:00




上一篇:Combining experiment, theory and modelling to better understand and design functional materials
下一篇:Crystal chemical screening and data mining for new battery electrodes and solid electrolytes