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发布人:曾艳  发布时间:2019/04/15 15:30:00   点击:

报告题目(英文)Boron Nitride Nanotube-Metal Composites and Interface Reactions
报告内容简介:Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs), the seamless cylindrical structures made of hexagonal boron nitride sheets, possess excellent elastic modulus (50–1200GPa) and strength (61 GPa). In addition, BNNTs have a high thermal stability up to 900 oC in the presence of oxygen. These unique properties of BNNTs have increased its potential as promising reinforcement to metal-based structural composites. This presentation introduces our recent research in the production of BNNT-Al and BNNT-Ti composites prepared using Spark Plasma Sintering process. 50% improvement in both yield and compressive strength with 5 vol% BNNT addition in Al matrix has been achieved.[1] These improvements are associated with the interface reactions between BNNTs and Al [2]. Faster outward diffusion of N from BN in Al leads to nucleation of AlN crystals at the outer surface of BNNT toward Al side. On the other hand, thermally activated Al atoms diffuse to the leftover B-concentrated regions to form AlB2 in the grooves of BNNT wall. BNNT-Ti composites are prepared using cold-press and annealing processes. Compression tests both at room temperature and at 500 °C show a significant increase in the mechanical properties of the composites, compared to pure Ti.[3] TiB2 nanocrystals firstly nucleate on the surface of nanotubes at 800 °C for 30 min. By the time 1 h, these nucleated TiB2 crystals grow larger by consuming inner-walls of nanotubes and tend to transform into TiB phase. [4]
报告人姓名:Ying Chen
报告人简介(中文)Ying Chen教授﹐1986毕业于清华大学工程物理系﹐1992 年获得法国巴黎南大学化学博士。1993-2008 在澳大利亚国立大学 (ANU) 物理研究院从事纳米材料研究。陈博士现是澳大利亚迪肯大学Alfred Deakin终身讲席教授,前沿材料研究院纳米科技首席教授。他是北京纳米能源材料重点实验室首席科学家, 中国千人计划特聘专家, 浙江海鸥学者, 清华大学客座教授, 北京钢研总院特聘专家和博士生導师, 澳大利亚研究委员会专家评委。陈教授荣获澳大利亚研究委员会QEII研究员基金 及多项科研基金, 科技部863能源材料专项基金,国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作与交流项目, 澳洲印度国际能源合作研究项目等重大国际合作项目。陈教授在国际一流刊物上发表期刊论文300余篇(其中5篇发表在Nature子刊,36篇发表在Adv Mater., JACS, Nano Lett . 影响因子10 以上期刊)﹐获授权专利8项,出版科学专著5部。学术论文他引万次以上, H因子(h-index) 56
报告人单位(英文)Deakin University
报告时间:2019-04-16 10:30
