1、报告题目:Energy efficiency in vacuum steel treatment
报告内容简介:The local and global environment is affected by the steel industry. Carbon and hydrogen are used as reducers to transform iron ore into iron and steel. There is a strong connection between chemical, electric and heat energy. This is a special characteristic of the steel producing industry.
报告人姓名:Professor Dr. Dieter Senk
报告人简介:Professor Dr. Dieter Senk is head of the chair for Iron and Steel Metallurgy at the RWTH Aachen University. Before shifting to RWTH Aachen in 2001, he worked more than 15 years with the ThyssenKrupp Steel. At the RWTH Aachen University Professor Senk is doing research in the fields of raw materials and processes for ironmaking and steelmaking as well as continuous casting and ingot pouring for solidification.
2、报告题目:Introduction of IEHK Achen
报告人姓名:Professor Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Gudenau
报告人简介:Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Gudenau spent thirty years working on research, teaching and consulting. Prior to that he was an owner and manager at a foundry. His main research interests are gasification, blast furnace and steel making technologies, direct and smelting reduction and sustainable development. He is author or co-author of hundreds of scientific publications and supervisor of more than 250 doctoral thesis. He is a Honorary Professor at the University of Science and Technology, Beijing, the university of Technology, Shenyang, China and the State University of Mining, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, fellow of various metallurgical associations.
3、报告题目:Novel raw materials for ironmaking to face challenges on scarce resources and CO2 emissions
报告人姓名:Associate Prof. Dr. Alexander Babich
报告人简介:Dr. Alexander Babich worked at steelworks, research center and universities in Ukraine, Spain and Germany in different positions in the fields of ironmaking, modelling, energy saving and environment protection in the steel industry, coal conversion as well as new learning methods and educational technologies. Currently he is a Senior Researcher, Leader of the Ironmaking Group and Lecturer at the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University. Over 270 of his scientific works including 5 books and more than 35 patents on above topics have been published. His name is noted in Who’s Who in the world, Dictionary of International Biography (Cambridge) and other reference books.
报告人单位(英文):RWTH Aachen University
报告时间:2016-09-26 14:00