发布人:曾艳 发布时间:2017/07/05 15:30:00 点击:
报告题目(英文):Explore applications of electron work function in material analysis and design
报告内容简介:随着材料技术的迅猛发展,材料设计愈来愈倾向于从基本原理出发。材料的固有性质很大程度上由其内部电子行为决定,其控制了原子间的键强和键的特征。人类已通过大量的努力在量子力学原理框架下关联材料性质和其电子状态。然而,量子理论应用于材料设计方面通常比较复杂,特别是对于具有不同物相和缺陷的结构材料。因此,探索简单而基本的用于表征材料电子行为的参数来对材料进行分析和设计是一可行方案。在本报告中,电子功函数(反映电子从固体内部费米能级处迁移至固体表面的所需最小能量)被证明是一种可以用来表征材料并提供材料设计和改性方案的指导参数。报告的主要内容将围绕电子功函数与材料的力学,电化学和摩擦学性质来展开和讨论。 With rapid advance in material technology, material design has been required to rely on more fundamental principles. Intrinsic properties of materials are largely governed by their electron behaviour, which determines the atomic bond strength and characteristics. Great effort has long been made to correlate properties of materials to their electron state based on quantum mechanics. However, quantum theories are generally complicated to be used in material design, especially for structural materials which consist of various phases and imperfections. Thus, it is highly desired to have simple but fundamental parameters, which largely reflect the electron behaviour of materials, for material analysis and design in a feasible manner. In this talk, electron work function, which is the minimum energy to move electrons at Fermi level inside a solid to its surface, is demonstrated to be a promising indicative parameter to characterize materials and provide clues for material design and modification. Correlations between EWF and mechanical, electrochemical and tribological properties of materials will be demonstrated and discussed.
报告人简介(中文):李东阳教授现任阿尔伯塔大学化学与材料工程系教授,阿尔伯塔大学医学院生物医学工程系兼职教授,加拿大工业摩擦材料学主任。担任International J. of Nano & Biomaterials主编及Tribology-Materials, Surface & Interface,International J of Nanotechnology and applications,International Journal of Corrosion,The Open Corrosion Journal等九个国际杂志的编委成员。李东阳教授在建立以电子功函数为基本参数的表面损伤理论和材料本征性能的研究,发展新型超弹性耐磨材料及相关理论,腐蚀与磨损的耦合作用,以及计算摩擦学方面作了大量开创性工作并在这些领域处于国际领先地位。发表学术论文300 余篇,其中有220余篇发表在国际一流学术杂志 (相关领域) 。李东阳教授先后开设Advanced thermodynamics of materials, Experimental techniques for materials Science, 及Tribology and Tribo-materials等课程,具有丰富的教学经验。
报告人单位(英文):University of Alberta
报告时间:2017-07-20 10:00