发布人:曾艳 发布时间:2017/10/24 10:30:00 点击:
活动时间:2017-10-25 9:00-17:30
主 办:高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室、上海大学外事处、<Advanced in Manufacturing> (SCI Journal)
会议主席:任忠鸣(SHU)、Hanlin LIAO(UTBM)、王江(SHU)
1、 报告人:Christian CODDET
报告题目:Powder materials selection for additive manufacturing: nightmare or opportunity?
2、 报告人:Xin LIN
报告题目:Laser solid forming of large metal parts for aerospace field
3、 报告人:Samuel GOMES
报告题目:Additive Design for Additive Manufacturing
4、 报告人:Liming LEI
报告题目:Applications and Challenges of Additive manufacturing technology in the field of civil aero-engine
5、 报告人:Julien GARDAN
报告题目:A method to improve the mechanical behavior around stress concentrator in 3D printing / Thermal behavior analysis of open-cell metal foams manufactured by rapid tooling
6、 报告人:Bo SONG
报告题目:Integral method of preparation and fabrication of composites by 3D and 4D printing
7、 报告人:Hanlin LIAO
报告题目:Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V alloy for biomedical applications
8、 报告人:Jinhua XIAO
报告题目:Standard for Additive Manufacturing
9、 报告人:Jintao XU
报告题目:Addictive manufacturing requirements for aerospace products
10、报告人:Frederic DEMOLY
报告题目:Proactive Design for 4D printing: Model, method and tools
11、报告人:Sansan SHUAI
报告题目:Application of Synchrotron X-Ray tomography on microstructure evolution during solidification of metallic alloys
12、报告人:Laurent DANIEL
报告题目:Printing large scale objects using multiscale combination of additive and subbstractive methods, a real world application
13、报告人:Noureddine FENINECHE
报告题目:Magnetic materials processed by Selective Laser Melting
14、报告人:Jiang WANG
报告题目:Static Magnetic Field has Impact on Solidification Structure of Metallic Components Obtained via by Additive Manufacturing