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发布人:王旭  发布时间:2024/11/06 12:45:30   点击:


报告题目(英文):A Multiscale High-cycle Fatigue Model of Steels and Its Application to Structural Components and Material Design

报告人姓名:Hongchang Zhou(周红昌)

报告人简介(中文):周红昌博士于2023年毕业于日本东京大学系统创新工程专业,荣获东京大学优秀博士毕业论文奖,同年任职日本大阪大学助理教授,主要从事钢材的多尺度疲劳断裂及损伤评估研究,主持日本学术振兴会(JSPS)青年项目1项,参与JSPS面上项目一项,校企联合研究项目3项(JFE, Nippon steel, 神户制钢所)。目前发表疲劳及结构完整性领域内高水平SCI论文7篇,包括疲劳领域TOP期刊Int. J. Fatigue 2篇,材料领域TOP期刊Mater. Des. 1篇,力学领域TOP期刊Int J Mech Sci 1篇,海洋工程领域TOP期刊Ocean. Eng. 1篇,Mar. Struct. 1篇,有色金属领域高水平期刊ISIJ Int. 1篇。发表国内T1区中文核心论文3篇,T2区中文核心期刊1篇。以第一作者发表会议论文6篇,获得国家发明专利授权5项,其中2项实现了成果转化,获得实用新型专利授权2项,软件著作权7项,获得日本材料学会优秀论文奖1项。

报告人简介(英文):Dr. Zhou is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Joining Design and Structuring at JWRI. His research topic is assessing the fatigue performances of welded joints from both microscopic and macroscopic perspectives. He received his PhD from The University of Tokyo, Japan, where his research focused on fatigue fracture. In the past three years, he investigated the effect of grain boundaries on fatigue crack growth, demonstrated the applicability of the multiscale model to macro-crack problems, and proposed the bridging strategy between micro and macro cracks. This multiscale fatigue model was successfully applied to structural components and material design. Now, he continues his research on predicting multiscale fatigue behaviour, with a shift in focus from simple base metals to complex welded joints and additive manufacturing materials considering the material and structural inhomogeneities.


报告人单位(英文):Osaka University

报告时间:2024-11-08 09:30


